Forget The Jersey Devil – Beware Of Jersey JAWS!
They’re gonna need a bigger boat. Because the Big Nutz Required II seemed rather vulnerable when a great white shark ambushed its chum bag, as the 31-foot Bertram sport boat and its crew of five were participating in a mako shark tournament 30 miles out from Manasquan Inlet on June 18, 2019!
“It was harder to guess the weight because we had nothing to compare it to, but it was probably about 2,000 pounds,” Captain Jeff Crilly said. “We’ve fished for sharks a lot and never seen anything like that. We were amazed by how big it was.” Big Nutz Required, indeed.
Crilly, 31, of Toms River, estimates the shark’s length was more than half the size of the boat, or 16 to 18 feet, but guess for yourself as video of the encounter has gone viral and made a big splash with shark researchers! Have a look…