Happy National Eat Your Beans Day!
So it’s National Eat Your Beans Day today. You don’t have to remind me because I LOVE all the beans. I would imagine that baked beans will be on a lot of 4th of July menus tomorrow. Lima beans are MY absolute favorite, particularly Fordhooks which are the big ones. I don’t understand why so many people have a thing AGAINST limas. In fact, I have had to go to a number of grocery stores before I can even find frozen bags of Fordhooks (thanks Shoprite in Brookhaven!) Black Beans, Garbanzo, Cannellini, oh my! I put ’em on salads, in tacos and couscous. I love to plant ’em, snap ’em and pop ’em in my mouth raw. From jelly to coffee, beans are the best. How about you? And who doesn’t recall that rousing legume related bit of poetry: Beans Beans Good for your heart, the more you eat, the more you fart!
Enjoy this video of a song that we sing and play at our house a lot. And this version of “Cornbread and Butter Beans” was recorded at one of my favorite musical festivals too. MERLEFEST in NC!