Radio DJ More Stressful Than Running a Nuke Plant
The Department of Labor put out a list of the most stressful jobs and being a urologist is considered the most stressful. Immediately this list is wrong. It’s gotta be more stressful to have any sort of job that involves weaponry, guns, fighting bad guys, anything that has the possibility of dying, etc.
On a daily basis in radio a call-in topic not working, or dead air might be the most stressful thing we deal with. To solve this world ending problem you come up with another topic and take your 1 finger, and push the volume fader (that you most likely left down) up to a normal level. Problems solved. That’s it.
Below the stress level of the job we have here at WMGK are things like embalming bodies, being a pilot, running a nuclear power plant, disaster response coordinator, BORDER PATROL AGENT! All very low stress jobs.
The most stressful thing I have to do at my radio job today is decide if I want a single or double cheeseburger from the food truck that is showing up at the station today. Stress!