Strapping a Flamethrower on a Robot Dog’s Back is a Bad Idea
Creating robot dogs was a bad idea. Strapping a flamethrower to the back of a robot dog is a worse idea. It’s as if we’re trying to hasten our demise. With the rise of artificial intelligence, the human species is having a debate about whether we might be going to far in our advancement of A.I. and robots. In some aspects of life it’s great to be able to have that extra help from robots. In others areas, that may eliminate a job, not so much.
Advancement is a good and necessary part of our existence, but sometimes we take it a bit too far trying to make life better. Like when we wanted to sleep better in public places or airplanes and they created the Ostrich Pillow. Do you even know what you look like using one of these things?
Don't let anyone or anything disturb your dreams. OSTRICHPILLOW Original will help you keep them in order😎 . LInk in bio! #dreams
— Ostrichpillow® (@OSTRICHPILLOW) May 28, 2020
Let’s make 1 thing clear, I love dogs. I just don’t think we need to advance them any more than they’ve already advanced. My parents old German Shepard would hit a bell to let them know she had to go out to use the bathroom. *Side note I once waited to long to let her out. I was watching a Phillies game and was trying to watch the end of the inning, so after four jingles I looked up and she was dropping one right in front of the TV, staring at me while she did it. Lesson learned.* I know other dogs do that too. Advanced! That is about as advanced as we need to make out best friends. If you work over at ThrowFlame you have a totally different opinion than this, because they’ve created a robot dog that has a flamethrower strapped to it’s back. It’s not just for show. It actually works. They even named the dog! Thermonator.
Eventually the robots are going to rise up and take over this simulation we call life. It’s not a matter of if, but when. We did this to ourselves, and probably deserve it in some weird way. Although, it’s a bad idea to create things with the potential of rebelling against us, I still wouldn’t want to be alive at any other point in our history. It’s not ideal if this is how we end up going out, but I’d rather have a cool ending like getting roasted by the dog Terminator than pooping myself to death with dysentery.