Dr Michael Goldberg, Chair of the Division of Gastroenterology, part of the Department of Digestive Disease and Transplantation at Einstein Healthcare Network, discussed colo-rectal cncer, the signs or symptoms of colorectal cancer, how our genetics play a part in developing it, and the best weapon of all against it, early detection. These cancers are being found in younger patients, and race and income also plays into detection and successful treatment. Dr Goldberg discussed the steps we can take in prevention – a healthy high-fiber diet that avoids processed meats, watching our weight and not smoking, but he recommends screening, as early as possible based on your individual risk factors as your best bet to beating it. While a stool test blood test is easy and readily available, the colonoscopy is the gold standard test and allows for the removal of the polyps that can become cancerous. We spoke of the barriers many face to getting screened, including fear of the preparation and procedure, lack of insurance and a primary care physician to recommend it, and lack of awareness. You can learn about Einstein programs at Einstein.edu/colonoscopy or 1-800-EINSTEIN