Major Richard Sanchez discussed the Salvation Army’s mission in New Jersey, meeting the needs of each community through 29 worship and community centers located throughout the state. We discussed the work in Camden, based on the founding of the Camden Kroc Center ten years ago. He discussed the 26 acre facility, home to a first-class state-of-the-art gym with classes, classrooms and a 135,000 sq ft water park. Open the public, it was the work of years of planning and fundraising, and developing the site, the former ‘Harrison Avenue Landfill,’ basically a neighborhood eyesore. The center services 6,000 families annually, with programming from food pantries, holiday assistance to addiction services, job and ESL support. Major Sanchez described their membership, 60% Camden residents, from pre-school to the elderly, with programming for all. Membership for all of the facilities is just $17 per month, with scholarships available. It takes donations, volunteers and members, Major Sanchez invites all to learn more at