It’s here! Well, fall, of course but, for me, the true ushering in of autumn is when MGK holds our annual Big Bad Bonfire at Spring Mountain in Upper Salford Township, Montgomery County. It’s today (10/15) and, in my opinion, it really is one of the most fun events we put on every year.
If you’ve celebrated with us in past years, you know what the vibe is like..totally chill, a little festive, lots of fun, our newly-crowned House Band Incognito playing, and the coup de grâce, the giant wooden guitar we’ve set up gets lit on FIRE! The music’s great, the guitar is burning, the smell of fall and wood is in the air – man, I just love it!
Kudos once again to our genius resident artist, Graphics Greg Monahan, for constructing another killer ax for us to burn.

“Graphics” Greg Monahan, out resident artist, puts the finishing touches on this year’s guitar we’re setting on fire at the Bonfire!
We sure look forward to seeing you celebrate fall’s arrival with us on Spring Mountain today! If you plan to go, here are a few handy tips: