John DeBella’s Last First Friday Show with Listeners Ends with a Proposal?
Today (6/2/23) marks the final First Friday Show with listeners on the John DeBella Show. For the last 10 or so years the first Friday of each month listeners to the John DeBella Show were able to come in for a party of sorts during the show. They were treated to contests, games, comedians, and most importantly food.
Over the 10 years of first Friday we’ve had roughly 1400 listeners come by. That same span has covered 3 different studios (the current being by far the best of them), they have seen about 120 different comedians (today we brought back Vinnie Brand) and been fed food that they never would eat at 7am if they hadn’t already been up since 4am.
With it being the final first Friday one of the listeners in the studio asked me if he could do something on the air. He didn’t say exactly what he wanted to do, but he had written something down on a note pad and it sure did seem like a marriage proposal. So my thinking was alright sure, last show with listeners in studio, lets see what John thinks. He was down for it because he also assumed it was a proposal and the last first Friday. Why the hell not, let’s do something we never do. Well, we would’ve been better off keeping our never done it before record. When we let this listener have his moment on the mic, he went through his whole written thing, teared up, struggled to get through it and then he ASKED HER TO MOVE TO FLORIDA!! Are you kidding me?
Looking back on it when I asked if this was marriage proposal, he never did say “yea, it’s a marriage proposal.” Now it seems like the signs were there the whole time and I should’ve read him better. That was one way to wrap up the last First Friday of the JDB Show Era… a beautiful disaster.