Former MGK Classic Rock Squad Member Is Now A Successful Entrepreneur
One key to our success at MGK is how great our “Classic Rock Squad” team is. These hard working men and women, either kids starting out in the working world, college students, or music lovers looking to make a few extra bucks, are the faces of MGK at our events. They’re the ones who set up the tents, the sound systems and all the prizing, and tear it all down when the event ends. They also interact with our MGK family, give out prizes and take lots of pictures that you see on our website. They do a fantastic job and we are lucky to have them.
Once they leave our nest and get full-time jobs, I’m always curious to see where they’re headed. Some have stayed at the company or gone into the business world.
One is a former MGK Classic Rock Squad member who is now a successful entrepreneur, and I’d like to spotlight her. Meet Marlee Aversa:
Marlee spent a few years as a classic rock squad member and, after spending time in the corporate world, she and her husband Jerry founded M & J Games based in their hometown in South Jersey. Together, they have created a fun, and successful, family game called “What’s Next?”, where the players actually become the game pieces and do all sorts of fun things on a life-sized game board. The idea was borne out of the pandemic, and her family being quarantined, and I asked Marlee to stop by the MGK studios and tell us how she made the transition to self-employment, as well as what the future holds for M&J Games.
It was great to see her again, it had been quite a few years, and I was so happy for her success. Here’s our conversation:
Now that we’ve featured a Former MGK Classic Rock Squad member who is now a successful entrepreneur, I’ll see who else I can rope into coming in and chatting about what they’re doing these days!