Will Smith And Jada Pinkett Smith’s Relationship Is Bizarre
I’m not one to care about someone else’s relationship, and I don’t really care about this one either. But what the hell is going on here? Jada is on a book tour and has to make some headlines, but my goodness. She is just humiliating one of the most beloved actors of the last 30 years. Call off the dogs! That man has a family! It’s your family! It’s like she’s got something loaded up on a yearly basis to make us all confused by their relationship. Looking at a timeline of their relationship (why is there a timeline of their relationship available online?) it seemed to start normal. Date, marry, children. Totally normal, super rich famous couple.
According to reports, in 2013 things started to get a bit out of whack. Jada addressed rumors that they were in an open marriage. There were rumors they were swingers, which she also denied. Fine, rumors about celebrities pop up all the time. But things just kept coming out. Will denied rumors they were getting divorced, by yelling in all caps on Facebook. A few years later Will said they don’t say they’re married anymore. I found a US Magazine Will and Jada timeline (weird I know) where Smith went on about how they “don’t refer to being married anymore” thing:
“refer to ourselves as life partners, where you get into that space where you realize you are literally with somebody for the rest of your life. There’s no deal breakers. There’s nothing she could do — ever. Nothing that would break our relationship. She has my support till death and it feels so good to get to that space.”
Feels like one half is trying to give that “nothing she could do… would break out relationship” part a run for its money.
2020 is where sh*t really starts popping off for the Smiths. We learned what an ‘entanglement’ is when Jada and Will talked about being separated and her hooking up with singer August Alsina. Will said that she wasn’t the only one to stray. So let’s recap… Open relationship? They said no. Seems pretty open. Divorcing? No, but not saying married to each other. Separated for a while. Confused? Me too.
Let’s speed this up. Will slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars for making a joke about Jada’s shaved head. It was a very weird scene. Even Jada thought Smith and Rock had planned. It recently came out that Jada’s first question to Will when they were alone was “Are you okay?” Most recently Jada confirmed said she was shocked when Will referred to her as his wife since they have actually been separated since 2016!
Hey Jada and Will Smith, one request, if you’re going to make crazy headlines airing out your relationship during your book tour at least give us a day to absorb the story. Also, let Will get up from the most recent humiliation before you slap him across the face with another one.