World’s Best Pizza Place Joined the Pineapple on Pizza Battle
Italians are up in arms. They’re gesticulating wildly. More wildly than a normal conversation. We’re hand talkers. The reasoning is because a pizza battle has returned to it’s roots. Pineapple on pizza. The pineapple on pizza battle has been an American argument for years, but only recently has it crossed the borders of Italy.
It’s take some time to make it across the ocean, but a highly respected pizza shop in of all places, Naples, Italy has put pineapple on his menu. There are a few eye popping parts to this who thing. First, Naples is considered the pizza capital of the world. Second, the pizzeria owner that added pineapple to one of his pizzas is Gino Sorbillo. Gino is a 3rd generation pizza maker and owner of restaurant with the greatest pizza I’ve ever had.
If you ever find yourself in Naples, go to Sorbillo. The lines can be long, but it was the best hour + wait ever. People were scattered all over the street waiting for their name to be called. Across from Sorbillo was a small shop that was selling beers to the people waiting, but that was almost a decade ago. I’m not totally sure if that place still does that or is even still open. That’s besides the point. Go wait for an amazing pizza.
Back to what we’re talking about the pineapple on pizza battle. Gino told CNN he’s doing it to “combat food prejudice.” His pineapple pizza is a bit different that what we argue about here in the states. This is not a Hawaiian pizza, but a white pizza with 3 different cheeses and caramelized pineapple on it. He says that tomatoes are fruit and you should never have two fruits on a pizza. It would be too acidic and “wouldn’t be a good product”.
Does Gino’s explanation make it alright to put pineapple on pizza? I’m not going to argue with the guy who makes incredible pizzas. In the pizza capital of the world. When in Italy, visit Sorbillo in Naples. Judge for yourself.