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Concerts Could Increase Your Life Expectancy, Study Says

The 3 Most Common Bad Habits That Make You Age Faster

Pennsylvania SoulCycle Is Still Spinning, Here Is Where

Lunchables Have High Levels Of Lead And Sodium, Report Says

Jackie Chan Fans Concerned About His Health

Study Reveals People Feel Pressured To Work While Sick, But Why?

Allergy Season: Some Ways To Keep Your Allergies In Check

Arnold Schwarzenegger Has A Pacemaker After 3 Surgeries

Top Unhealthiest Drinks You May Be Guilty Of Drinking

Foods With Expiration Dates You Should Never Ignore 

The Struggle Of ‘Popcorn Brain’ And How To Cope With It

Foods You Should Consider Eating To Get More Sleep

Red Wine Benefits Being Denied By Some Researchers

Experts Weigh In: Foods That Could Be Aging You Faster

NYC Takes a Bold Stand, Declaring Social Media A Public Threat

Bad Hygiene Habits Exposed: Are You Guilty of These Habits?

Your Fingers Might Hold a Connection to Psychopathy, Researchers Say

Top Holiday Foods That Might Upset Your Gut

Washing Your Hair with Beer is Good?

Banned Foods in the U.S. and Why They’re Off-Limits

3 Candies that are Surprisingly “Healthy” Halloween Candy

Doing This in the Bathroom is Bad for Your Health

How To Get Your Free COVID Tests

Free COVID Tests Available Monday