2025 New Jersey International Film Festival Set for May 30-June 8
Celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2025, the New Jersey International Film Festival (NJIFF) will take place on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from May 30 through June 8. This year, the NJIFF competition will be a hybrid presentation featuring virtual and in-person screenings at Rutgers University.
All the films will be available virtually via Video on Demand (VoD) for 24 hours on their show date. VoD start times are at midnight Eastern. More information will be available on the festival’s website.
Thirty-three films will have their New Jersey or Area Premiere (Middlesex County) screenings as part of the NJIFF and the United States Super 8 Film and Video Festival. According to an NJIFF news release, the works being screened are part of the NJIFF and were selected by a panel of judges, including media professionals, journalists, students, and academics. Judges will then choose the prize winners in consultation with the film festival’s director. Prize winners will be announced via social media after the screenings on June 8.
Several films in the festival have a New Jersey connection:
- Vanessa Roth’s short documentary “A Place of Honor” is part of a New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial & Museum storytelling initiative.
- New Jersey-based filmmaker Sabatino Ciatti Jr. will debut “Wrestle-off,” a film about a determined female high school wrestler who battles the animosity of her teammates as she competes for a varsity spot on an all-male wrestling team.
- Sarah Ann McCuiston’s “The Sandy Mack Experience” is a feature documentary that explores the vibrant music scene in Asbury Park, New Jersey.
- Vinit Parmar’s short documentary “Down the Line” delves into the problems concerning the county line design. Parmar explores the system’s manipulative intent and the impact it makes on New Jersey’s political landscape.
- Old Bridge, New Jersey, filmmaker Justin Ho’s puzzle-inspired feature film, “Broken Pieces,” focuses on the lives of five people who connect with each other in unexpected ways.