Pennsylvania Has One of the Best Sandwich Shops in the U.S.
There’s nothing like a really good Pennsylvania sandwich, and there’s a lot to be said for what a really great sandwich can do to get one through the day. Right around lunchtime, millions of Americans start craving something delicious but quick to eat, so they can get back to work fully refreshed and ready to take on the afternoon. One thing that makes a tasty sandwich such a treat is that i’s a convenient, but delicious, treat for the middle of the day. Really, you can enjoy a sandwich whenever, though, not just for lunch. Now, one Pennsylvania sandwich shop has been named one of the best in the country by tasting experts.
Pennsylvania Sandwich Shop Honored
The foodies at Chowhound have unveiled their tally of the best sandwich shops in the country. They researched these places and decided on the very best to share with readers. “There are a lot of outstanding sandwich shops to choose from, but we took on the daunting task of awarding the best shops per state,” they stated. “We love all sandwich types equally, from classics like the grilled cheese and Reuben to modern twists including avocado toast, and regional delicacies like the lobster roll, which is precisely why we didn’t take the challenge lightly.”
For Pennsylvania, they love Phil & Jim’s Steak & Hoagies, located at 2905 Edgmont Avenue in Brookhaven. “Philadelphia has its fair share of world-class cheesesteaks and subs, but the best of the state (and on Earth, according to Food Network Magazine) is found in Brookhaven,” they state in the article. “In an interview with ABC6, co-owner Gia Miller said she spends 70 hours prepping and cooking delectable sandwiches for customers near and far.” That’s dedication. Also making the cut was Gaudiello’s at 29A Trolley Square Shopping Center in Wilmington.
So, what’s the origin of the sandwich? According to In Mama’s Kitchen, “The first recorded sandwich was made by the famous Rabbi, Hillel the Elder, who lived during the 1st century B.C. A poor man, but a great scholar, he began the Passover custom of sandwiching a mixture of chopped nuts, apples, spices, and wine between two matzohs to eat with bitter herbs.”
The classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich is one of the country’s favorite, and according to History, “The first known recipe for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich appeared in 1901 in The Boston Cooking School Magazine of Culinary Science & Domestic Economics. During the 1920s, companies began to mass-manufacture peanut butter in the United States and targeted children as potential new consumers.”