Attempted Stabber Gets Stabbed by Potential Stabbee
Karma really is a bitch. I’m currently teaching my 6 year old what karma is, but he doesn’t totally understand it yet. He hasn’t put the cause and event together fully, but the few instances he does get it are pretty funny. He rolls around on the floor yelling, “karmaaaaa!!” In Portland, Oregon a man quickly learned about karma. A man was threatening to stab a person at an apartment building. There isn’t any word yet on if the potential stabber knew the potential stabbee or why he arrived at the would be stabbee’s door with the plan to do some stabbing.
Now the story takes a wild turn as the knife wielding masked man went from potential stabber to actual stabbee. It seems his reflexes weren’t fast enough because the potential victim snatched the knife from him and quickly went from stabbee to stabber. Police said the now masked stabbee was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. Here’s the thing, if your reflexes are too slow to not have the knife taken out of your hand go with a different deadly weapon. A gun, a sling shot. Hell, a cannon might work better for you.
It’s like this would be criminal learned how to do all of his crime-ing watching Home Alone and studying the handiwork of Harry and Marv going up against Kevin McAllister. Maybe he had just got done watching Airheads with Adam Sandler, Steve Buscemi and Brendan Frazier. The potential victim must be a radio executive and he just wanted him to play his new single.
This idiot criminal reminds me of the old video for a senior self defense course. A guy is attempting to rob an older man at knife point, but the old guy tricks him into thinking he’s having a heart attack. Then he turns the tables and pulls a gun. It’s just so good.