Dermatologist: It’s Ok to Wear Underwear Back to Back Days
I’m not a scientist, nor do I have doctor of anything attached to my name. I do have a big heavy nameplate that says Dr. Stephen Vassalotti. That’s thanks to my grandpop, an actual doctor, who delivered many a boomer in the Philadelphia area. I obviously went a different direction from my namesake, so I can’t really give hygiene advice other than what is common knowledge (for most people).
Shower, Brush your teeth, change your sheets (I think men and women have completely different schedules for this task.) Wash your clothes. Be courteous to your fellow humans and put some deodorant on. That is all the hygiene advice I’m legally allowed to give. Now a dermatologist is saying it’s ok to not change your underwear daily, if you’re a man. Excuse me? Yes. According to Dr. Annju Methil, a dermatologist that seems to be based out of Mumbai, if you are not active and wearing something looser fitting men can change them every other day. It’s not the same for women since they’re underwear is tighter.
Ok, can we stop and remember that the temperature in Mumbai, India is scorching hot and humid? Even if you have a lounge day not doing anything vigorous, you’re probably still sweating. Let’s move out of India and look at it from men’s perspective in our area. We’re still men, and we’re still gross. Find me a man who goes through a day and doesn’t fart. He’s most likely farting into those underpants he’s now been told he doesn’t need to change every day. He’s probably not going to get any sort of infection, but that doesn’t mean those things are clean! What about when we pee? The last drop NEVER ends up in the toilet or urinal… So where does it end up? Correct. In those boxers, or boxer briefs some jabroni is slapping back on for day two.
What are we doing dermatologists? I just had my yearly checkup at my dermatologist, we talked about the disaster of an Eagles team and making pasta with a mushroom sauce. I left with a recommendation for a truffle powder for certain dishes. Not once did Dr. Rob and I talk about being able to change my underwear every other day. Thanks for being a normal dermatologist.
My mom always told me to make sure I have clean underwear on, in case something happens. You don’t want to have to go to the emergency room and you’ve got holes in your underpants! Now, imagine if they were day old underwear with holes in them!