How Much Money Are We Wasting On Impulse Purchases Each Month
I’m extremely guilty when it comes to wasting money on impulse purchases. It’s almost like a superpower I have. Apparently, I’m not the only person in America with the waste money/impulse buy superpower. According to a SlickDeals survey, we spend an average of $151 on impulse purchases each month. Seems like a lot, but it’s actually way down from past years. In 2022 we spent $314 a month on impulse buys. We’ve all been on Amazon and decided I MUST have this! Who hasn’t seen a raptor costume for their dog while drunk at a bar and immediately purchased it? I did open by saying I’m extremely guilty of impulse buys.
It’s not just that we are tossing money at random things, but even in a place like the grocery store. We all know never to shop for food when you’re hungry. That is a recipe for disaster. When you have kids with you, your grocery store impulse buys are really their impulse buys. Consumer Affairs did a study that parents spend 35% more money when shopping with their kids!
People are realizing that they’re spending too much money and seem to be trying to curtail it. Over the last year, 38% said they are trying to spend less. Inflation issues were probably a reason for the cutback, but as it continues to drop we might end up back in our old impulsive ways. Some of the items SlickDeals’ survey showed we are most likely to impulsively purchase are clothes, junk food, household items, and shoes. What if impulse buys are on sale, isn’t that a good purchase? No one’s impulse buys are bad purchases, but maybe not smart purchases. Going through my Amazon purchase history I’ve got a lot of impulse buys… especially the pair of pizza dough-proofing boxes, 2 packs of sunglasses, and Sun Ninja beach shade (awesome purchase! Highly recommend it.)