The John DeBella Show

John DeBella Show Announcements

41 & Done: Comedian Bob Marley

Here's another 41 & Done flashback, and it's probably one of the most honest things John has ever said on the radio. The funniest man to walk into the studio is comedian Bob Marley. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, John loves comedians. The first time comedian Bob Marley came into the studio, DeBella did not know what to be prepared for. But there is no one comic like Bob who provides enough gold for a flashback. We laughed just as hard at it as we did the first time listening back to these. When John saw him in the club the first time he came really close to yelling out "Stop, stop!" Because he was in so much pain from laughing. So here are a couple of clips of Bob Marley on the show. (more…)

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