MGK’s Favorite Moments Of The Past 365 Days
This Sunday is 10/29 (One-oh-two-nine, get it?) and we’re celebrating all weekend long by playing blocks of songs from the best years of classic rock. We’re also looking back at our favorite moments over the last 365 days.
Check out a photo gallery featuring all of our favorite moments. If you attended any of these events, you may find yourself in our gallery.
Here’s what MGK has been up to since our last birthday celebration on October 29.
We sent hundreds of MGK listeners to some awesome concerts…..
Billy Joel, Bon Jovi, MGK’s Big Gig, Queen, Roger Waters, Tom Petty and U2.
We had some rockin’ times at some big MGK events…..
Jamaican John Sledding at Jack Frost Mountain, John DeBella’s Comfort Food Fest, John DeBella Dog Walk, MGK’s Locals Only Beer Fest, MGK Brew Blast, MGK Blood Drive, MGK’s House Band Competition, John DeBella’s Tomato Fest and MGK’s Big Bad Bonfire.
With your help we did a lot of good for our community
We collected thousands of piecse of baseball equipment during our Baseball Equipment Drive.
We collected over 9,800 Turkeys in John DeBella’s Turkey Drop 2016.
We raised over $154,000 for local veterans in John DeBella’s annual Veterans Radiothon
Hundreds of listeners came out to The Fillmore Philadelphia to donate blood in our annual MGK Blood Drive.
Thousands joined us for some four legged fun & supported local dog rescue groups & shelters at John DeBella’s Dog Walk.
We gave away ALOT of cash!
We gave away $300,000 in cash during MGK’s two Rock The Cash Box contests.