Rare Reflex: Pregnant Woman’s Body Hit The Ejector Seat For Baby Delivery
Recently a pregnant Philadelphia woman gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Good and normal. From all reports, mom and baby are totally healthy. Cool story Steve, what’s the point? Well, this baby didn’t just work its way out like most other normal births. Have you ever joked about labor, delivery doctors, and nurses dressing as baseball catchers? For this birth, it would have been a reasonable request. A rare reflex caused the pregnant woman’s body to birth to this child in 40 seconds. Is that even possible? Science says yes it is. It’s called Fetal Ejector Seat Syndrome. I’m kidding, but I’m not far off from the real egghead name for it. The rare reflex is actually called the Ferguson Reflex or fetal ejection reflex (see! I wasn’t totally joking.)
The Ferguson reflex is caused when a mother gets a large hit of oxytocin that triggers contractions and fires up the rest of the body to push that baby out. It’s as if the oxytocin hit tells the body to FIRE EVERYTHING. Cianna Gonzalez said she was in labor for 3 hours but never had to push. The baby just came out. According to an article from the NY Post, regarding Cianna’s Ferguson reflex, other mothers who this happened to compared it to an oncoming sneeze. No way to stop it. Sounds like a bad Pringles commercial.
While we’re at it… 4 best ejector seat scenes in movies… Go!
5. Top Gun: Maverick – Nobody died when ejecting this time.
4. Tomorrow Never Dies – Pierce Brosnan’s bond was getting choked from behind in this scene. He manages to get the jet under another jet, hit the ejector button sending the baddie through the bottom of the other plane before escaping the explosion.
2. Top Gun – Pivotal part of the film that allowed them to flesh out the story of in the sequel. The sequel was awesome btw.
1. Goldeneye – The GOAT. The slam cuts, the fake human rag doll being shot through the roof. It has it all.
I bet you didn’t expect that turn, did you?
6 Baby Names You Probably Should Avoid
For many parents, naming a child can become a stressful process. Perhaps, it’s the pressure of giving a tiny human a name they will have for their entire life. Some families name their kids after a family member, someone famous, fictional characters, or sometimes something that reminds them of a sweet memory. Parents have the right to choose a child’s name. However, that responsibility comes with a few restrictions.
Some states have naming laws and restrictions that define whether new parents are allowed to choose a certain name for their baby or not. According to USBirthCertificates.com, a vital records application preparation assistance service, certain states have other kinds of naming restrictions in place to protect children. This includes banning the use of obscenity in names.
What are some of those baby name restrictions?
Several states limit the number of characters that can be used in a name because of official birth records software used in the U.S. Apparently, in Nebraska first, middle and last names must be less than 100 characters total.
While other states go as far as banning the use of numerical digits or emojis. For example, Massachusetts only allow letters found on the standard English keyboard to be used in baby names. There are also states who prohibit naming children after people who have committed heinous crimes. We don’t know why anyone would, but this means you can’t name your child “Adolf Hitler.”
Many of the common naming restrictions include derogatory terms, obscenity, offensive names, numbers, and certain characters like asterisks. However, there are celebrities like She's Y now, or "Why?" or just "?" (But the government won't recognize that). curiosity, the eternal question, .. and such.
— 𝖦𝗋𝗂𝗆𝖾𝗌 ⏳ (@Grimezsz) March 23, 2023?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1639050294213459968%7Ctwgr%5E5a5348cf48c8c60f7c766035b242ff8b822d7a5d%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.usatoday.com%2Fstory%2Fentertainment%2Fcelebrities%2F2023%2F03%2F26%2Fgrimes-elon-musk-daughter-name-y-meaning%2F11545845002%2F" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Grimes and Elon Musk who didn’t let their states restrictions stop them from naming their kids Exa Dark Sideræl referred to as “Y” and X Æ A-XII, nicknamed “X.”
If you are in the “naming” process, you should become familiar with the restrictions set in place by each state to avoid birth certificate surprises.
Here are 6 baby names you probably should avoid.
Steve Vassalotti is co-host of “The Matt Cord Show with Steve Vassalotti” weekday mornings 6a-10a on 102.9 WMGK. He has been with the station since 2015. For WMGK he writes about inane nonsense that surrounds our daily lives, sports, food and other various topics. Steve writes about Philadelphia lifestyle content, the Philadelphia Eagles culture and trending topics.