Easter is the Most Exhausting of the Main Holidays
Holidays are wonderful days with spent with family. For Easter yesterday the weather turned out to be a great spring Sunday. We spent time with family. Our kids had all the Easter egg hunts. My one year old surprisingly loved the Easter Bunny. I explained, or attempted to explain, to my children that Easter is more than eggs hunts and candy. I don’t think it sank in. That’s ok, they have time. What sunk in for me is that Easter is the most exhausting of the main holidays.
When I say main holidays I mean the ones where you have this big family event, dinner, brunch, breakfast, whatever. Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter in my mind are the main holidays. Your family may celebrate other holidays that mine does not, so maybe you have a different most exhausting holiday. We can still commiserate.
With Thanksgiving, yea it’s a monster meal full of drinks, apps, main courses, side dishes and dessert. It’s a big lead up and the payoff is usually amazing once we make it to dinner. Most people are usually off on Black Friday, so it’s easy to relax and digest your food the next day while you shop for Christmas deals!
Let’s be honest, Christmas’ lead up starts before we’re even thinking about Thanksgiving. So over the long haul yea it can be exhausting, but after you get through Christmas morning and the joy of Santa and gifts, you’re just going to a fun dinner party. Once again a lot more eating and drinking, but the whole feel of the season, the lights, decorated Christmas trees make it an amazing night. Depending on the line of work you’re in, you also my be off the next few days or the office is dead the following week as everyone gears up for the new year.
The thing about Thanksgiving and Christmas is that chances are you’re alternating which holiday you’re spending with which side of your family. For us, if we do Thanksgiving with my family, then Christmas is with my wife’s family. It then alternates the next year and so on. Easter is a whole different animal. I’m not sure if the nicer weather makes us cram everything into the day or what.
Easter went something like this:
7 year old up at 6:30a. Held him off for 15 extra minutes, then woke the other two kids.
Easter morning, too much candy by 9:30a.
Breakfast tradition with wife’s family at a diner. Her grandfather used to book a few tables or large portion of a room to have Easter breakfast together. Happy the tradition continues after he passed.
Then we go directly to brunch with my family. Egg hunt, Easter bunny shows up. Some drinks here. Maybe a few snacks and bite to eat.
Off to dinner at my wife’s aunt’s house. Food. Egg hunt. Easter bunny showed up again!
Finally home at 8:30p. Realize you’re completely fried by 8:35p.
All of that is a great day that I get to spend with loved ones, but man that Easter is the most exhausting of the main holidays. There is no doubt in my mind.