41 & Done: Partying At Bob Marley’s House In Jamaica
This 41 & Done flashback has no radio connection. It has music connection, though. It’s about the time John DeBella was partying at Bob Marley’s House in Jamaica.
John had met all of the big names in reggae. Peter Tosh, Bob Marley, Toots and The Maytals, Jimmy Cliff. And they all played this club. And in the mid 70s, it was really cheap to travel to Jamaica. By the time John became a professional disc jockey, not only did he know all of these musicians, he knew his way around Jamaica.
So this one particular year DeBella was going to stay at a hotel most musicians hung out at. A man was outside the hotel waiting for John to arrive. He said, “Don’t check into the hotel. Bob Marley has made arrangements for you to use one of his properties.” They drive a little further up the road and off the beaten path, and they pulled up to this really nice house. If Bob Marley wants to take care of you, you’re gonna let Bob Marley do that.
It was paradise. One night, they were invited to Bob Marley’s house. There was one hell of a party going on, and dinner is being served in this huge, huge house. DeBella would like to tell you more about that evening, but he really doesn’t remember it. He remembers music and parties and waking up in his bed the next morning, and that was really about it. Really, imagine partying at Bob Marley’s house in Jamaica!