My Bike Ride Through My Beautiful Hometown
Let me take you on a trip through the gorgeous towns and sights from my adventurous bike ride the other day.
As most of you know who have been keeping up with my posts for the last few years, I love to go on a good bike ride.
Whether that be down the Jersey Shore, in the best city in the world — Philadelphia — or anywhere in between with friends, my wife, or even alone to work sometimes, I can’t get enough bike rides.
Well, that love took me on another adventure the other day, and it was quite the familiar face from my past, and now my present again!
Hometown Bike Ride…
We had a really neat bike ride through my old stomping grounds that went through Glen Mills, Chester Heights, and even parts of Wawa, PA!
Yes, all you Wawa lovers out there — there really is a small town called Wawa, Pennsylvania!

Honestly, the bike ride took us through some really historically beautiful places along the way and it was awesome.
There were a ton of beautiful buildings and houses along the way that were similarly structured in the same way, and they date all the way back to the 1700s — it was really cool!
As a young kid and a teenager, I was so fortunate enough to grow up in this area, and, to be honest, it really hasn’t changed much since the early ‘70s.
And that is a great thing!
One thing that I can tell you for sure has not changed is the hills in the area, which definitely can make it challenging to ride a bicycle, but, man, it is a great workout.
If you ever get a chance to visit the area, I promise you’ll find it just as beautiful as I do!
But I can’t promise you’ll make it up the hill on a bike, you might need some experience for that, but it is worth the try!