Happy 50th Anniversary Apollo 11!
Did you ever want to fly in space? NO, NOT THAT KIND OF FLYING IN SPACE…like the astronaut kind? A lot of us did. Some built rocket models, some entered the Science Fair…mmhmm did both. I guess it was the fascination of how it all worked. New worlds, exploration, endless possibilities all of which occupies a child’s limitless imagination. Throw in a lil space dust a lil extra terrestrial travel and BOOM…you were going places on a huge scale. I was 8 years old when my dad said “it’s time, let’s witness the impossible” and we gathered around an old Westinghouse TV and were amazed and so very proud. Proud of the astronauts, proud of our country, proud of what people can do when they dream big and work hard.
To everyone who watched 3 American heroes on July 20, 1969 get into a tin can on top of the largest controlled explosion called a rocket, aimed for the moon and then walked on another heavenly body for the first time…anything and I mean anything is possible! So it’s with pride of country and continued faith in good, courageous and dedicated people I’m glad it was our guys…Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Mike Collins who made that giant leap. It still amazes me it worked at all…but it did. DREAM BIG!